The National Electoral Institute of Mexico (INE) received 54% of the postal packages containing votes from abroad
If you are in the United States or Canada, the electoral authority recommends sending your vote package to Mexico by May 24
The National Electoral Institute (INE) announced that, as of May 23, the Nominal List of Voters Abroad is comprised of 223,961 people, of whom 151,989 (67.86%) registered to cast their vote electronically over the internet, 56,249 (25%) opted for postal voting, and 15,723 (7%) will cast their vote at the 23 consular sites that will be set up in the United States (20), Canada (1), Spain (1), and France (1) on June 2.
Regarding postal voting, the delivery of 56,249 packages worldwide is 99.9% complete, while the packages delivered to citizens are 92.5%, with the remainder in transit.
Notably, the National Electoral Institute has received 54% of the postal electoral packages with votes from citizens abroad already marked, so it is necessary for the community abroad who chose this voting method to return their package to Mexico as soon as possible.
When can I cast my postal vote from abroad?
Since postal votes must arrive at the INE facilities no later than 08:00 (Central Mexico Time) on June 1 to be counted, the National Electoral Institute recommends citizens return the marked ballots on the following dates according to their place of residence:
- May 24, if you are in the United States and Canada;
- May 23 for Europe, Central America, the Caribbean, and South America;
- May 22 for Africa, Asia, and Oceania.
All electoral package shipments arrive at Toluca International Airport and are transported to the INE warehouse designated for safekeeping in Mexico City.
Recommendations for postal voting from abroad:
- Review the contents of the Postal Electoral Package (PEP), which should include the federal and local ballots according to the positions corresponding to your place of origin, an instruction guide on how to mark the ballots and return the votes to Mexico, information about the candidates, envelopes to store the ballots, and a Postal Vote Envelope (SPV) with prepaid postage by INE so that returning the package to Mexico is free of charge.
-Please carefully read the instructions for casting your vote. When casting your vote, use a pen or ballpoint pen, and avoid using markers, crayons, gel pens, or fountain pens.
- In the case of coalitions, remember to choose only one option; otherwise, the vote will be annulled. Avoid going outside the boxes.
- For mailing, fold the ballots evenly without creasing them. Place each ballot in the envelope of the same color and remember to put only one ballot per position in each envelope; otherwise, the vote will be annulled.
- If you have not yet received your postal package, remember that it is important that the person who will be voting is the one to receive the package; otherwise, it will not be delivered.
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