Tragedy in Nuevo León: 9 Dead at MC Rally, 70 Injured
Governor Samuel García confirmed that one of the fatalities is a minor.
The governor of Nuevo León, Samuel García, confirmed that the death toll has risen to nine following the collapse of the stage where a Movimiento Ciudadano rally was being held in San Pedro Garza García. The number of injured has increased to 70 people, of whom 11 have been discharged and some are in serious condition, so the number of fatalities could rise in the coming hours.
One of the fatalities is a minor, according to information released by State Civil Protection and confirmed by the governor, who detailed that he visited Clinic 7 where the injured are receiving medical attention.
The presidential candidate, Jorge Álvarez Máynez, acknowledged the work of the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS) in providing timely care to the injured.
Wind Caused the Collapse of the Stage at MC Rally
Around five thousand people were gathered at the site when a strong gust of wind knocked down the metal structure where the band Bronco was set to perform and where a political event was being held by the MC mayoral candidate for San Pedro, Lorenia Canavatti, and the presidential candidate of the same party, Jorge Álvarez Máynez, who escaped unscathed from the tragedy.
Nuevo León Civil Protection officials reported that the stage collapsed due to strong wind gusts. Upon arrival at the scene, they attended to 65 people who were transported to IMSS Clinic 7, 18 more patients to IMSS Hospital 21, and one to Muguerza. Four people were reported dead at the scene, three more at Clinic 7, and one at HU.
They also released the list of the deceased to facilitate the location of their relatives.
IMSS Clinic 7
• José Jesús Torres Solís, 11 years old, from Monterrey
• Laura Zúñiga Ezpinoza, 48 years old, from Monterrey
• Elvira De Anda Segobiano, 78 years old, from Monterrey
At the Scene
• Olga Rodríguez Davila, 60 years old, confirmed by Edson Abram Torres Rodríguez (son)
• Juana María Espinoza de la Rosa, 53 years old
• NN
• NN
• Alejandro Gamés Sandoval, 48 years old
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