What is Federal Student Aid?
If you are about to start college and do not have the resources, you can receive financial support
Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is a program that funds part of the university education for many young people in the United States.
Even if the parents are not U.S. citizens, students with citizenship or eligible non-citizens can complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), as in these cases, the immigration or citizenship status of the parents does not affect the right to receive this benefit.
The Institute for Mexicans Abroad (IMA) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the federal government called on the Mexican community through their account on X to explore this financing alternative.
If eligible to receive the support, completing the FAFSA form allows students to access different types of financial aid, such as:
- Federal Grants
- Federal Student Loans
- Subsidies
- Work-Study Programs
It is important to note that the application process includes providing financial information from both the student and the parents (if the student is dependent), such as annual income, taxes paid, assets, among others.
The information provided is used to calculate the Expected Family Contribution (EFC), which is a key factor in determining the amount of aid the student can receive.
These are the steps to access financial aid from FAFSA:
- Create an account at StudentAid.gov: All contributors will also need their own account.
- Necessary documents:
- Last year's tax returns
- Records of child support received
- Current balances of savings and checking accounts
- Net worth of investments, businesses, and farms
3. Information about the contributors: You will need the full name, social security number (if they have one), date of birth, and email address of your contributors. Ensure that all the information matches their official documents.
To learn how to complete the application form if the parents are not U.S. citizens, check the following video HERE.
The FAFSA 2024–25 form is now available at the following link.
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