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Comscore Rankings: El Heraldo de México Ranks First in Audience in April 2024


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'El Heraldo de México' has established itself as one of the most read and sought-after sites in the country. This is detailed in the latest report by the prestigious digital media agency, Comscore.


The renowned digital media agency, Comscore, recently published its ranking of news sites with the highest audience numbers. 'El Heraldo de México' was consolidated as number 1 in the ranking for April 2024, thanks to its slightly more than 34 million unique users reported.

It is worth mentioning that the achievement encompasses both 'El Heraldo de México' and all its derived domains. Below are more details regarding the figures presented to Comscore partners, key media partners, and the general public. This was further amplified by the news going viral, being shared by the esteemed journalist Ciro Gómez Leyva.

Top 10 News Sites in Mexico with the Most Unique Users without Subdomains

This Comscore list considers the global domains of news sites in Mexico. It includes the main page of each digital medium, covering all sections of the main website and/or other derived pages:


El Heraldo de México (HERALDODEMEXICO.COM.MX): 34.3 million unique users
• N+ (NMAS.COM.MX): 27.3 million unique users
• El Universal (ELUNIVERSAL.COM.MX): 21.001 million unique users
• Milenio (MILENIO.COM): 21.006 million unique users
• Radio Fórmula (RADIOFORMULA.COM.MX): 16.1 million unique users
• Debate (DEBATE.COM.MX): 15.8 million unique users
• Telediario (TELEDIARIO.MX): 15.7 million unique users
• Infobae (INFOBAE.COM): 12.3 million unique users
• Uno TV (UNOTV.COM): 11.1 million unique users
• El Financiero (ELFINANCIERO.COM.MX): 10.3 million unique users


Top 10 News Sites in Mexico with the Most Unique Users with Subdomains

The following list breaks down the subdomains of each analyzed website and their various multimedia content (distributed through social networks or other digital channels). In other words, it delves into the figures of each news site in all its variants:

Heraldo Media Group: 38.8 million unique users
• HERALDODEMEXICO.COM.MX: 34.3 million unique users
• HERALDODEPORTES.COM.MX: 4 million unique users
• GASTROLABWEB.COM: 3.7 million unique users
• HERALDOBINARIO.COM.MX: 3.4 million unique users
• PANORAMAWEB.COM.MX: 2.1 million unique users
• DECEROACIEN.COM.MX: 840 thousand unique users
• El Heraldo de Mexico @ YouTube: 509 thousand unique users
• ESCAPADAH.COM: 245 thousand unique users
• El Heraldo De Mexico - Oaxaca: 173 thousand unique users
• HERALDOUSA.COM: 29 thousand unique users

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Carol Sandoval


