Pride Day 2024: Cities, Slogans, and Struggles
This June 28 marks 55 years since the Stonewall riots “We Demand to Live with Dignity”: Mexico
In 1969, the harassment and violence that police authorities inflicted upon the gay community led to the Stonewall riots in New York, USA. These riots, which occurred on June 28, are considered the beginning of the movement advocating for the rights of the LGBTQIA+ community (Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Trans, Queer, Intersex, Asexual, and all other groups not represented in the previous initials).
Although progress has been made in some areas, more than five decades later, it is still necessary to raise visibility for the community and fully recognize their rights.
Emblematic Celebrations
The LGBTQIA+ collective continues to face stigmatization, persecution, and criminalization. Therefore, June 28 is a day to raise voices, celebrate progress, and remember that the fight must continue so that diversity never has to hide anywhere in the world.
Let this 28th and every day be Pride Day... pride in who you are; pride in who you love; pride in fighting against discrimination, prejudice, intolerance, and ignorance, the LGBTQIA+ Pride Day.
New York
In 2024, in the city where the movement began, NYC Pride's theme is "Reflect. Empower. Unite" to commemorate the 55th Anniversary of the Stonewall Uprising.
The theme was selected to highlight the importance of the NYC Pride march as the intersection for queer liberation and joy. Building on the activist history that ignited the LGBTQIA+ rights movement, the theme encourages individuals, advocates, community leaders, and allies to reflect on the challenges they have overcome together and empowers them to take action in shaping our collective future.
“In a time of division in our country and the world, this year's theme calls for unity within and across the LGBTQIA+ community and is a call to action for ALL allies, especially those in government and the private sector, to demonstrate their alliance with the broader community at this critical moment in our nation's history,” reads a statement.
“The LGBTQIA+ community is under increasing attack. From the introduction of hundreds of anti-gay and anti-trans bills to the misuse of Drag Story Hour and the heartbreaking stories of harassment and violence against trans youth, the movement's achievements are at risk of being eroded or completely erased. The NYC Pride March is how we combat all the negativity; it is the celebration that brings together people from every borough of the city and from around the world, in joy, to share the achievements, talents, and resilience of our community,” said NYC Pride Executive Director Sandra Pérez.
“The March is where we demonstrate the strength that comes with inclusion, diversity, and acceptance,” Pérez continued.
This year, the NYC Pride 2024 calendar will feature traditional events, including Youth Pride on Saturday, June 29, while the NYC Pride March or Pride Parade will take place on Sunday, June 30, starting at 12 noon from the famous Fifth Avenue and 25th Street. Also, there is PrideFest, a free festival open to the public that takes place around Hudson Street in New York.
San Francisco
In the so-called capital of pride, the city of San Francisco, this year’s parade will also be held on Sunday, June 30, starting at Market and Beale streets at 10:30 a.m. In a statement, SFPride noted that the theme of this year's annual San Francisco LGBT Pride celebration is Beacon of Love.
“In a crucial election year, when LGBT rights are under attack across the country, San Francisco Pride wanted a theme that expressed the unbreakable spirit of our great city as a global leader in the fight for LGBT liberation and fundamental human rights,” they stated.
Mexico City
The Pride March in Mexico City will be held on Saturday, June 29, under the slogan "Before the Oppressive State and Indifferent Society: We Demand to Live with Dignity."
Participants are invited to gather at 10:00 a.m. at the Angel of Independence located on Paseo de la Reforma Avenue, to depart at 12:00 p.m. towards the Zócalo Capitalino.
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