Mexican Attorney links Ovidio Guzmán’s release to "El Mayo" Zambada kidnapping
Mexican authorities report they are unaware of the current status of the alleged leader of "Los Chapitos."
The Federal Attorney General’s Office (FGR) has unveiled new details following the arrest of Mexican drug lord Ismael "El Mayo" Zambada, who was forcibly taken to El Paso, Texas. The operation now also involves Ovidio Guzmán, the son of Joaquín "El Chapo" Guzmán, who is alleged to be connected to the kidnapping.
The agency's official statement indicated it lacks information about Ovidio Guzmán’s status after being transferred to another U.S. prison. It reiterated that Guzmán was released two days before "El Mayo" was apprehended. According to their timeline, Guzmán acted in collaboration with his brother Joaquín Guzmán López.
“The release of Ovidio 'G' from a high-security U.S. prison occurred on July 23, 2024 (two days before the alleged kidnapping of Ismael ‘N’). The current status and location of this individual within the U.S. remain unknown,” the statement read.
Prosecutors unaware of Ovidio Guzmán's U.S. location post-release
The statement clarified that according to the U.S. Bureau of Prisons, Ovidio Guzmán was released on July 23, coinciding with the meeting involving "El Mayo." The FGR's investigation tracked the plane’s departure from Finca San Julián.
U.S. authorities and the Mexican government had previously stated that Guzmán was not freed but merely transferred. However, in a statement issued on August 29, the FGR claims they are unaware of Guzmán's whereabouts in the U.S.
False registration and investigation of Guzmán’s location
Regarding the Beechcraft 200 aircraft, captured in images and a video released by the FGR, which was involved in the kidnapping, it was revealed that the plane had a false registration. Registered initially as N200TP in 2019, it was later transferred to Colombia with the number HK4658G, and subsequently received a new registration in the U.S. in 2021, identified as N44JN.
The FGR has urged U.S. authorities to obtain information about the aircraft's identification and the pilots' documentation. They have requested international legal assistance through INTERPOL three times without a response.
“Regarding the investigation of the events in Huertos del Pedregal, Culiacán, Sinaloa, related to the murder of Héctor ‘N’ and the alleged security detail of Ismael ‘N’, this Institution will promptly summon all local prosecutors, including police and experts involved in the common jurisdiction proceedings or connected to these events, to clarify the pertinent details of their actions,” the statement concluded.
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