In the Debate: Kamala Crushed Trump
Several decades ago, the great storyteller Irving Wallace wrote a book The Man, in which he posed what was then an impossible possibility.
Several decades ago, the great storyteller Irving Wallace wrote a book The Man, in which he posed what was then an impossible possibility—that a Black man could become the president of the United States. At that time, the Civil Rights struggles led by Martin Luther King and the defense of farm workers under the leadership of César Chávez were taking place. Many years passed, and, finally, that utopia became a reality with the presidency of Barack Obama.
The contradictions gave rise to a new election, in which white supremacy, hatred, and discrimination were reborn with the electoral victory of Donald Trump.
Now, once again, a woman of Indian and Jamaican descent has unexpectedly emerged as a true candidate with strong chances of winning for the Democratic Party: Kamala Harris.
Last Tuesday, these two opposing visions met on the debate stage, and unexpectedly, Donald Trump’s arrogance and overbearing attitude were severely punished by Harris’s rhetoric and oratory skills.
In fact, even before the debate began, Kamala courteously approached her opponent to shake his hand. Her presence was overwhelming; her somewhat sarcastic, mocking smile and her gestures and glances positioned her strongly against a visibly unsettled and incompetent Trump. Trump repeated his usual lies and his tired mantra of blaming immigration for all the Empire’s woes.
Meanwhile, Harris was able to present a coherent social, economic, and political project. When President Biden was attacked, Kamala emphasized that she was not Biden and launched—armed with her well-studied logic—into a takedown of racism, hatred, and fanaticism that echoed the flaming crosses of the Ku Klux Klan.
Kamala remained calm, laid out a continuation of a healthcare project, and her opponent was unable to refute her. He was shocked by how a woman of color could attack him with such intensity and clarity.
Of course, one debate does not decide an election where voters are in a technical tie, and Trump has supporters who will forgive him his crimes and mistakes. She has to fight against the tide and offer the American people hope for prosperity and harmony.
The die is cast, but without a doubt, this debate will lead many undecided voters to support this candidate, who proved to be neither weak nor timid.
For Mexico, and particularly for Claudia Sheinbaum, it would be better to deal with another woman—like herself—who comes from the middle class, rather than with an openly misogynistic man who would try to belittle and overpower her.
We may not have a voice or a vote, but the immediate future of humanity depends on this election. While Trump threatens a bloodbath if he loses the election, and even the possibility of a Third World War, Kamala, with intelligence and depth, opens up space for social solidarity.
In fifty days, we will know the result of this election, which will undoubtedly be crucial for Mexico’s development.
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