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The future according to Musk: Revolutionary vision or empty promises?

We need visionaries to push us beyond our limits, but it is healthy to maintain a critical skepticism that demands tangible results

The future according to Musk: Revolutionary vision or empty promises?
GUADALAJARA, JALISCO, 27SEPTIEMBRE2016.- El empresario y emprendedor, Elon Musk, ofreció una conferencia magistral donde presento su plan para colonizar marte, esto en el marco de la edición 67 del Congreso Internacional de Astronáutica que se lleva cabo en la expo. FOTO : FERNANDO CARRANZA GARCIA / CUARTOSCURO.COM

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Elon Musk’s recent presentation, entitled We, Robot, has once again brought the debate on the future of technology and mobility to the table. As always when it comes to Musk, reactions range from amazement to skepticism. But what can we really take from this event?


A glimpse of tomorrow.

Musk presented us with three main concepts:

1. The Robotaxi or Cybercab: a futuristic two-seater vehicle, completely autonomous and with a surprisingly affordable price of 30 thousand dollars.


2. The Robovan: a larger version, capable of transporting 20 people autonomously.


3. The Optimus robot: billed as “the greatest product ever,” interacts with the public in a variety of roles.

These prototypes paint a future where autonomy is the norm, not the exception. A world where vehicles free us from wasted time driving and parking, improving efficiency and road safety.

However, as is often the case with Musk’s presentations, the question arises: when will we see this on our streets? The market seems to share that uncertainty, with Tesla shares falling 10 percent following the event.

It’s easy to criticize Musk for his famous Elon time, that tendency to promise unrealistic timelines. But, it’s also important to recognize that what we saw were not mere concept cars destined to remain on paper. There is real development behind these prototypes, even if they are far from finished products.

The market reaction reflects a short-term mindset that often ignores the value of long-term innovation. It’s true that Tesla hasn’t significantly updated its product line in recent years, but isn’t that precisely because they’re focused on making a qualitative leap rather than annual cosmetic changes?

Regardless of our opinions on Musk as a person, it’s undeniable that his vision inspires. It forces us to think about a future where technology solves problems of mobility, efficiency, and safety. The question shouldn’t be whether these products will arrive as we saw them, but rather how this vision can drive innovation across the industry.

As a society we need visionaries who push us beyond our current limits. At the same time, it’s healthy to maintain a critical skepticism that demands tangible results. Musk’s presentation is not a detailed map of the future, but a beacon that illuminates possibilities. It’s up to us, as a society, to decide how we want that future and work to make it a reality, whether with Musk’s vision or with alternatives that are yet to emerge.

Time will tell if we are witnessing the prelude to a technological revolution or promises that will be forgotten. Meanwhile, events like this remind us of the importance of dreaming big and questioning the limits of what is possible.



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