Making Child Abuse Visible
Therapist Catalina González Creates a Support Community for Survivors of Sexual Abuse
● In Latin America, two out of three children and adolescents experience sexual abuse within their own homes: UNICEF
According to UNICEF data, as of last year, in Latin America, two out of three children and adolescents experienced sexual abuse within their homes. It is a highly stigmatized issue that is rarely discussed within families.
Catalina’s journey to raise awareness of this problem on social media began about two years ago, following a long process of psychological treatment and healing that she started at age 19.
“Sexual abuse victims speak up when they can, not when they want to,” says Catalina González, a therapist specializing in addiction and a content creator, in an interview with Mente Mujer.
Catalina is a survivor of child sexual abuse, an experience that years later led her to create a community on social media to speak about this issue, which she describes as “difficult and taboo.”
“There came a point in my life where I realized there were more victims of my abusers. At that moment, I decided, ‘no more,’ because I saw that many children might be going through what I experienced, and many survivor victims, regardless of their age, might take that secret to the grave—and that didn’t seem fair to me,” she explains. Through her community, she aims to build a support network that not only raises awareness but also encourages victims to speak out and start a journey of inner healing.
It’s essential to note that childhood sexual abuse triggers a series of problems in victims, including social, behavioral, and psychological disorders, as well as an increased risk of developing addictions.
“Addicts aren’t born; they are made,” the specialist says, having focused her professional career on this issue.
“Seek professional help” is the advice Catalina González gives to survivors of child sexual abuse.
“Always believe your children; a child has no reason to lie about being sexually abused,” she emphasized.
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