Would you like to study your high school in Spanish?
UNAM offers a distance high school program. You're in time, applications open from August 16
The Institute of Mexicans Abroad (IME) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (SRE) calls on Mexicans living outside the country to pursue a high school diploma through distance learning at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM).
The Directorate of Distance High School of the highest academic institution offers the B@UNAM Distance High School program, with the fundamental purpose of enabling Mexicans and other Spanish speakers living outside Mexico to complete their high school education in their native language.
The application period will be open from August 16 to September 9, 2024. "B@UNAM is a high-quality, comprehensive, up-to-date program that fulfills all the social functions of this educational level (preparation for life, work, and higher education), taking full advantage of the online modality to promote significant, contextualized, and relevant skills and learning for today's world," reads the program description.
Additionally, it is emphasized that this mode of study offers the migrant population the opportunity to complete their high school education, allowing them to connect with their culture of origin, continue with higher education, and have the tools to achieve a better quality of life, as well as greater job opportunities and social integration, both in their country of residence and in their country of origin, in case they return.
The educational model consists of 24 subjects organized into four areas (natural sciences, mathematics, social sciences, and humanities) and is student-centered, requiring 20 hours of study per week. It should be noted that one subject is taken at a time, there is no fixed schedule, and it can be studied from anywhere with an Internet-connected computer.
The study program does not allow for the validation of subjects from other high schools, so all students complete the distance high school program from the beginning. To enter the High School program, it is necessary to complete and pass three introductory courses. Once these are passed, the UNAM entrance exam must be taken, and the student must be selected to enroll in the program. You can check the application details at the following link: https://www.bunam.unam.mx/extranjero/
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