Harris Courts Rivals
In her first interview as a candidate, she said she would appoint a Republican to her cabinet.
Kamala Harris denied having changed her positions on fracking and immigration, but she stated that her time as Vice President of the United States provided her with a new perspective on some of the most pressing issues.
In an interview with CNN, the first since being nominated as the Democratic presidential candidate a month ago, Harris said she would appoint a Republican to serve in her administration if elected. "I believe it would be beneficial for Americans to have a Republican as a member of my cabinet."
She dismissed what she called the "same old, tired playbook" of insults used by her Republican rival, former President Donald Trump, to question her racial identity by arguing that "she turned black."
Addressing her changes in stance on fracking and the decriminalization of illegal border crossings, she explained why her positions had evolved.
"I was the Attorney General of a border state, California. I fought against transnational gangs, drug cartels, and human traffickers," she said.
As a sign of her values on immigration, Harris pledged to fight for "strong border security" and for an immigration law that would restrict asylum.
Responding to questions about fracking, a controversial oil extraction technique involving the injection of high-pressure water, she stated that "I believe it’s important to build consensus on where we can solve problems."
She clarified that "I have always believed, and have worked on this, that the climate crisis is real, that it is an urgent matter to which we must apply deadline metrics." Her running mate, Tim Walz, was present during the interview.
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