Bronco: Who Were the Band Members on the MC Stage at the Time of the Collapse?
The Mexican band released a statement to inform fans of their status
Last night, the stage for the Movimiento Ciudadano (MC) event in Nuevo León collapsed during a political event held in San Pedro Garza García, resulting in the tragic deaths of several people. Fans of Bronco were immediately concerned, as it had been announced that the band would be at the event.
After the incident, which resulted in at least nine deaths and over 70 injuries, as reported this morning by Nuevo León Governor Samuel García, the Mexican band Bronco released a statement to inform fans of their status and identify the members who were scheduled to perform at the event.
Who Were the Members of Bronco on the MC Stage at the Time of the Collapse?
At the time of the incident, the members of Bronco—Lupe Esparza, Javo Cantú, Arsenio Guajardo, René Esparza, and Adán Esparza—were not present on the stage. According to a video posted on their official social media, the band was scheduled to perform but did not attend the political event. They assured fans that all band members and staff were safe.
Bronco expressed their sorrow for not being able to perform at the Movimiento Ciudadano event and conveyed their condolences to the victims of the accident. Lupe sent hugs and blessings and shared his feelings about the unexpected incident.
"We Were Supposed to Participate in That Event"
The band did not provide further details on why they did not attend the event. However, had they been there, the consequences could have been fatal, as the stage collapsed within seconds due to strong wind gusts.
At the time of the collapse, Movimiento Ciudadano presidential candidate Jorge Álvarez Maynez, San Pedro Garza mayoral candidate Loreina Canavati, as well as staff and other politicians, were on the stage. None of them were seriously injured, but the audience was affected as the structure fell on them.
Read the article in Spanish HERE.
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