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Los Tigres del Norte Museum Opens

The place will showcase the legacy of the Mexican band in Mocorito, Sinaloa


Los Tigres del Norte continue making history and will now display part of their musical legacy, as their own museum opens on May 8th in the magical town of Mocorito, Sinaloa. The place is a new two-story infrastructure where much of the history of this Mexican band, whose music has crossed borders, will be exhibited.


The collection to be exhibited includes costumes, musical instruments, awards, photographs, records, hats, and other materials. Among the tourist attractions offered by the city, there is also the Los Tigres del Norte Route, which will go from Mocorito to the Rosa Morada district, the birthplace of the musicians.

Here, visitors can see the house where they spent their childhood, the primary school, the square dedicated to them, and other surprises. A street dedicated to their music, featuring spectacular murals and digital lighting, is also planned. The organizers plan for the performers of "Jefe de jefes" to attend the opening event.

Lee la nota en español AQUÍ.

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