The Most Heart-Wrenching Song to Dedicate to the Person Who Has Forgotten and Torn Out Your Soul
The stars of Mexican music have a deeply emotional piece perfect for telling an ex that you no longer feel anything for them
A song that must be included in any playlist featuring heartbreak themes or to dedicate to an ex-partner with whom you also suffered greatly is "Cuestión olvidada," the piece by Los Tigres del Norte that narrates the sadness of separation and how hard it is to leave love behind.
"Cuestión olvidada" is one of the most popular songs in Los Tigres del Norte's repertoire. It was released in 1996 as part of the album "Unidos para siempre." The song is dearly loved by those familiar with the "Jefes de jefes" repertoire because they identify with its message.
What is the Saddest Song by Los Tigres del Norte? The song "Cuestión olvidada" is among the saddest songs by Los Tigres del Norte because it describes how someone overcomes a past relationship, not without first making it clear that forgetting the person they thought was their great love required tears and a search for peace. Another fact about "Cuestión olvidada" is that the song was written by Gilberto Valdez, one of the composers who has worked with Los Tigres del Norte throughout their career.
The artists, originally from Rosa Morada, Mocorito in Sinaloa, owe this spectacular piece that captivates its listeners to him.
What Are the New Songs by Los Tigres del Norte?
Besides their classic hits favored by their fans, Los Tigres del Norte recently announced that they have prepared a new album for their listeners. It is a compilation of songs titled "Aquí mando yo," named after one of the tracks.
"Aquí mando yo" is the lead single from the new EP by Los Tigres del Norte, a corrido with which the artists continue to prove they are pioneers in this genre that has become so popular in 2024, opening international doors for Mexican music.
What's New with Los Tigres del Norte?
Another recent news story involving the members of Los Tigres del Norte is the opening of a new museum in Rosa Morada, their hometown in Sinaloa. The museum is open to the public, especially fans of the artists, who can visit to see a collection of pieces, objects, and records that make up the career of these famous musicians since they began their legacy in 1968.
Los Tigres del Norte is a group made up of the Hernández brothers, Jorge, Hernán, Eduardo, Luis Hernández, and their cousin Óscar Angulo. They are globally recognized for bringing Mexican music to almost every part of the world, where they are received with applause and ovations.
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