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Mexican, living in the USA, and want to study high school? With Prepa en Línea, it's possible

The registration for the "Prepa en Línea" program has already begun and closes on April 26th

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The Ministry of Public Education (SEP, the acronym for Secretaría de Educación Pública, in Spanish) of the Mexican government, invites all Mexican nationals, regardless of their place of residence or age, to pursue high school studies in its virtual modality. “Prepa en Línea-SEP” is a free service aimed at Mexican individuals who have a secondary school certificate.


The registration for the "Prepa en Línea" program has already begun and closes on April 26th. The requirements that interested individuals must meet to participate in the call are:

  • Mexican nationality
  • CURP (Unique Population Registry Code)
  • Birth certificate
  • In the case of being a foreigner, you must have legal residence in Mexico and have the Unique Population Registry Code.
  • Have a secondary school certificate or the corresponding equivalence resolution.
  • Have two valid, personal, and non-transferable email addresses that have not been used by other students in previous calls and remain active throughout the process, as they cannot be modified during the registration and results issuance period.
  • Similarly, applicants must have access to a computer or mobile device and the interne
  • t; or have the possibility to access spaces with internet or connectivity points in libraries, schools, institutions, public places, among others.
Leyenda. SEP

For more information, please consult the following link.

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