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Locate the nearest consulate to vote on June 2 from the United States

For the first time, in-person voting will be implemented in federal elections


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On June 2, more than 50,000 Mexicans living abroad will be able to cast their vote in person at 23 Voting Reception Modules that the National Electoral Institute (INE) will set up in various consulates: 20 in the United States, one in Montreal (Canada), one in Madrid (Spain), and one in Paris (France).


This number corresponds to the 15,723 people who registered to vote under this modality and the 34,500 spaces available in the 23 consulates—1,500 spaces per consulate—for those who could not register and wished to vote.

It is important to remember that people registered to vote in person have a guaranteed space to exercise their rights. In contrast, those who did not register can use the additional 1,500 spaces available per consulate.

In total, 258,461 people can vote abroad for this electoral process (postal, electronic, and in-person), becoming the largest registration since 2006, when the community abroad began participating in the country's democracy.



Recommendations for in-person voting

- Cast an informed vote: Know the proposals and projects of the candidates according to your place of origin. Remember that your decision affects local levels and the country's foreign policy.


- Bring your valid voting ID: It must have been issued in Mexico or the United States before February 25, 2024. If you do not present your voting ID, you cannot vote.

- Accompaniment: If necessary, you can attend with children and accompany voters with disabilities.

- Registration: To cast your vote in person, you must be registered under this modality or, failing that, you have not registered in any of the three available modalities, whether postal, electronic, or in-person.

- No political propaganda: Remember that political propaganda is prohibited on election day.

- Do not cover your face (except for masks or transparent face shields).

- There will be no ballots: In-person voting will be done electronically, guaranteeing secrecy and quick counting. This system was endorsed by the Center for Research and Advanced Studies (Cinvestav) of the National Polytechnic Institute.

Also, note that on June 2, the consulate will function only as a polling station, so it will be entirely managed by the National Electoral Institute, and there will be no consular services for the public.

Leyenda: On June 2, in-person voting from abroad will be conducted electronically. Credits: INE

Locate the nearest consulate to cast your vote from the United States

In-person voting allows more Mexicans to participate in this electoral process from abroad, as it does not require mandatory prior registration. However, it is limited, so arriving early at the different modules is essential.

Below, on our interactive map, you can check the schedules and locations of the 20 consulates in the United States that will be enabled as Voting Reception Modules on June 2.

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