Mexico and U.S. Successfully Resolve Labor Law Violations at RV Fresh Foods
A Damage Repair Plan was Implemented. The agreements were reached under the USMCA Rapid Response Labor Mechanism
The Government of Mexico, through the Ministries of Economy and Labor and Social Foresight (STPS by its acronym in Spanish) announces the successful closure of the case regarding the alleged denial of freedom of association and collective bargaining rights at RV Fresh Foods, located in the municipality of Uruapan, Michoacán, as part of the USMCA’s Rapid Response Labor Mechanism in Specific Facilities (RRM).
The results of the investigation that Mexico shared with the United States on April 1 determined the existence of actions by RV Fresh Foods that could constitute violations of Mexican labor law and a denial of rights related to employer interference in union matters, aimed at obstructing the free development of activities of the National Union of Workers and Employees in the Trade, Food, Textile, Automotive, Metallurgical, Services, and Distribution Industries “Generalísimo José María Morelos y Pavón” of the Confederación Central Nacional (COCENA).
In this regard, during the Mexican Government’s investigation period, RV Fresh Foods undertook corrective actions in coordination with the STPS, including the publication of a commitment letter to neutrality in union matters and a document outlining the conduct guidelines for the company’s personnel.
However, considering the joint responsibility between RV Fresh Foods and COCENA, good faith consultations were held between the governments of Mexico and the United States to agree on a Repair Plan, which was duly fulfilled on June 14.
It should be noted that neither the company nor the authority were aware of any new complaints or grievances regarding freedom of association and collective bargaining rights at the RV Fresh Foods facility.
As a result, Mexico and the United States concluded that the issues that were the subject of the review request under the RRM were resolved after the full compliance with the Repair Plan.
The Government of Mexico celebrates that the parties carried out all these actions to comprehensively address the identified rights violations and reiterates its commitment to continue ensuring the application and respect for the collective rights of the workers in this country.
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