The Obama effect
The Democratic Party and highly recognized agents in American public life had to compromise without hesitation
“I want a president who serves the people, someone whose work shows our children not to pursue fame and fortune for themselves: we fight so that everyone has the opportunity to succeed.
Michelle Obama
On November 5, the United States is playing much more than a presidential election. In the geopolitical games there is the war conflict in the Middle East, Russia’s war in Ukraine and the new formation of NATO, as well as its trade “war” with China and its fight to remain as a world hegemon. In the US, the fight is also to strengthen the economy, reduce inflation and maintain good employment levels, as well as migration issues and try to unify Americans.
Faced with this reality, the Democratic Party and highly recognized agents in American public life had to commit themselves without hesitation to Kamala Harris. An example, but perhaps most significantly, is that the support of Barack and Michelle Obama became a key move in the Democratic strategy for 2024. Although Barack Obama was cautious before making his support public, his support is vital to consolidate the victory of the Democrats, since this alliance is relevant not only because of Obama’s influence, but also because of his ability to mobilize young, African-American voters.
His support is neither fortuitous nor recent; for years Barack Obama has been a mentor to Harris, advising her at critical moments, from her time as attorney general in California to her current role as vice president. The impact of the Obamas’ support can be seen on several fronts. First, their presence at campaign events draws large audiences, multiplying fundraising opportunities. Events headlined by Barack and Michelle Obama have been standout events in the Democratic campaigns, helping to maintain energy and media attention. In addition, it reinforces the narrative of progressive continuity that Democrats seek to project, positioning Kamala Harris as the natural leader to confront the Republicans.
In this sense, even with Biden in the race, the Obamas awakened some voices within the party who considered that their initial silence sent an ambiguous message, of distance from the party, especially to young, female and African-American communities. Thus, the active participation of the Obamas not only strengthens Kamala Harris’s campaign, it also sends a clear signal of unity within the Democratic Party and sends the message to the US and the world that they will fight until the last moment to strengthen democracy, for minorities and for the unity of Americans. Her endorsement underscores the relevance of Harris’ experience and leadership at a time of great political uncertainty, and her presence in the campaign is a crucial factor in achieving a Democratic victory and avoiding a second term for Trump.
Nota publicada originalmente en el Heraldo de México
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