Is it fascist? Trump’s language
Trump’s language seems uncomfortably similar, featuring nativist, patriotic, and xenophobic tones, a hint of racial prejudice, and a thinly veiled authoritarianism
In recent weeks, a statement has been circulating in American political corridors without a conclusive answer but with many indications in its favor: Is Donald Trump a fascist? Many are convinced that he is, including some of his former collaborators.
After all, his rhetoric is suspiciously close: nativist, patriotic, xenophobic, and quasi-racist, with a barely disguised authoritarianism. But it is not the only environment in which the accusation of fascism flies.
Some authoritarian regimes hide behind words to denigrate their adversaries and try to justify their actions due to the negative connotation of the adjective. Fascists make up their own rules and change them whenever they want; they remain in power through the use of force combined with propaganda based on primitive ideas of blood and race, through the skillful manipulation of fear and hatred, and through false promises of security.
“Propaganda glorifies war and insists that it is intelligent and ‘realistic’ to be ruthless and violent,” said a text cited by historian Heather Cox Richardson.
Cox referred to the past, in particular, to a pamphlet produced by the U.S. Army to educate its soldiers during World War II.
The War Department considered it important that Americans understand the tactics that fascists could use to take power in the United States; for example, through a disguise of “superpatriotism” and “super-Americanism.” The mechanics would be simple: first, pit religious, racial, and economic groups against each other to break national unity, Cox wrote. Part of that divide-and-conquer effort would be a “well-planned campaign of hate against minority races, religions, and other groups.”
Second, they would deny any need for international cooperation. Fascists, he added, seek to create a kind of ultra-nationalism that tells their people they are the only ones who matter.
Third, fascists would insist that “the world has only two choices: fascism or communism, and they label all those who refuse to support them ‘communists.’” The definition presented in that pamphlet cited by Cox is priceless.
“Fascism,” the U.S. government document explained, “is government by the few and for the few. The goal is to seize and control the state’s economic, political, social, and cultural life. The people run democratic governments, but fascist governments control the people.”
“The basic principles of democracy stand in the way of their desires; therefore, democracy must go! Anyone not a member of their inner gang has to do what they are told. They allow no civil liberties or equality before the law.”
So, is Trump a fascist? Maybe not. But he acts and talks like one, and it’s in his hands.
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