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Are You Suffering from Violence and Not Reporting It Because You Are an Immigrant?

Week of Attention and Information for Women Abroad Begins

Are You Suffering from Violence and Not Reporting It Because You Are an Immigrant?
Credit: Freepik.

As part of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, Mexican consulates in the United States and other nations will provide extensive information on human rights, gender equality, access to healthcare, education, employment, and specific programs for Mexican women living abroad. They will also offer resources and support to help prevent, recognize, and address all forms of violence.


Between November 25 and 29, several consulates will host workshops, discussions, and services in person and online to empower this demographic. A key challenge for this week is to enhance access to support networks by establishing a direct communication platform between women, consular representatives, community organizations, and local support networks, thus promoting their integration and well-being.

Among the topics to be addressed from November 25 to 29 are the different types of gender-based violence that women may suffer, including femicide and sexual and reproductive health. Additionally, there will be discussions on entrepreneurship and economic empowerment as tools to break free from cycles of financial dependency on abusers.

article image
Credit: X @ConsulMexWas.

Violence against women is against the law regardless of immigration status, as recognized by the Office on Women’s Health (OWH) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, which warns that refugee and immigrant women face many of the same challenges as women who have been victims of abuse, along with unique challenges such as the fear of being deported or losing custody of their children.


According to data from the Institute of Mexicans Abroad (IME) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (SRE), the percentage of Mexicans of origin residing in the United States is around 49%, meaning 18 million Mexican women in that country. Any of them—women, girls, adolescents, with or without documents supporting their stay—can be victims of physical, economic, psychological, and social violence. This initiative seeks to assist, inform, and create support networks among girls, adolescents, and Mexican women.


Each consulate’s agenda of activities can be consulted through its social media. Heraldo USA shares some of the activities planned for these days.


November 25

The Consulate of Mexico in Washington

Talk about human trafficking: what it is, how to recognize it, and how to get help.

Broadcast on Monday, November 25, at 3:30 PM local time via FaceLive @ConsulMexWas

November 26

Conference “Impact of Violence on the Mental Health of Women in Mobility Conditions” at 12:30 PM (CDMX time) through the various IME networks.

FB: IMEsremx



November 27

Consulate of Mexico in Nogales

Personal Development Workshop “Getting to Know My New Self” at 10:00 AM at the Restorative Center of Circles of Peace, 651 N. Legleu St., Nogales, AZ.

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