In three weeks, the bodies of the six migrant workers who died in Idaho could arrive in Mexico
The injured must receive the corresponding compensation and indemnities. The SRE advises the injured and relatives of the deceased to enforce their labor rights; by law, they must be insured
Michoacán is in mourning. In this state, the third in Mexico with the highest population migrating to the United States, the families of Abel, Pedro, Brandon, José Guadalupe, Luis Enrique, and Javier, the six agricultural workers who died on May 18 in a vehicular accident in Idaho Falls, in the neighboring state, are waiting for their bodies and must be patient.
In an interview with Heraldo de México USA, Vanessa Calva Ruiz, the General Director of Consular Protection and Strategic Planning of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, explained that this is the maximum expected deadline to finalize the transfer of the bodies to national territory.
The process, explained, is underway, and it will be the funeral home assigned by the insurance company Sigmet Farms Services, contractor of the migrants with H2A work visas, responsible for the transfer.
"The families have requested the repatriation of the bodies of the workers who were traveling with a visa. The company, through insurance, will cover all transfers since, unlike other cases where people are undocumented, being visa holders gives them other rights, and the consulate is there to help them exercise them", the diplomat stated.
The Mexican consular representation in Boise has already met with the funeral home to follow up, and it was reported that three weeks is the maximum expected deadline for the bodies of the compatriots to arrive with their families in Michoacán.
These times, Calva Ruiz explained, are because forensic offices have their processes, however, she pointed out that the consular representation has requested that these times be reduced.
"If there is something to expedite the transfer of the bodies, we will do it so that it can happen," she affirmed, detailing that the main reasons why these cases are delayed are the uncertainty of who will cover the expenses and who will be in charge of the transfer, which is already resolved through the insurer.
Regarding the injured, Calva Ruiz indicated that they and their families also have the support of the consular representation through legal advice to make them aware of their rights and ensure that the company they provide services to assumes its responsibility.
There is communication through the lawyers of the External Legal Advice Program (PALE) available in consular representations, to ensure that the affected individuals receive the due compensation and indemnities. By law, they must have insurance. There is "Workers' Compensation" through which each state establishes guidelines and amounts to be covered when a worker has an accident or dies at the workplace, she stated.
"Fortunately, progress has been made in a good way, the company is responding," emphasized the Consular Protection official.
Some relatives have requested the possibility of attending the funeral processes and accompanying the injured until they fully recover; for this, they have been given information regarding the modality of a humanitarian visa that facilitates the entry of citizens from other countries into the United States under certain emergency conditions, but it is the U.S. government that determines whether it proceeds or not.
Finally, the interviewee pointed out that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is closely monitoring the process and exploring all legal alternatives to help the families.
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