Who Is Better for Mexico, Trump or Biden?
Next Thursday, the first presidential debate in the U.S. will take place. We will learn part of Joe Biden's and Donald Trump's plans, which will be crucial for the outcome of the November 5th elections.
With Mexico's electoral contest settled, our country now focuses on the upcoming presidential succession in the United States. Although there are still nearly five months until the elections, the big question many of us are asking is, who is better for us: Donald Trump or Joe Biden?
The answer, however, is not as simple as it seems. Both have their flaws and virtues. They are figures with clear strengths and weaknesses, with very different styles of governing and relating to their southern neighbors, especially Mexicans.
For better or worse, we “know” both. And, if we consider the assessments from the Foreign Affairs Ministry of Mexico, still headed by Alicia Bárcena, communication and understanding flowed better with the Trump administration.
That does not mean there were greater benefits in the relationship. The truth is that the former president with orange hair is more open and transparent in communication. He has been blunt and never hides his thoughts on the relationship with his commercial allies or his disagreements. He always shows his cards.
He has been tough and daring. All of it on the table. His stridency is media-driven because in negotiations, he is different. Dialogue and progress are possible.
In the case of the Biden administration, communication has been more concealed and fluctuating, whatever that means. But he decided not to fight with Mexico. All the controversies that have arisen, especially in commercial matters, have been taken to the established tables and mechanisms in the USMCA.
The fact is that in terms of immigration policy, it has been inconsistent. The federal administration takes some measures while the governments of border states take others. Sometimes it seems there is no coordination on the north side of the Rio Grande.
Washington still hasn't understood that the problems on Mexico's northern border are rooted in the southern border. The White House does not want to change its immigration policy to give a different status to migrants.
The 19th Parallel, located right in the center of the Mexican Republic, was established as an international limit to provide some legal recognition to migrants, which is why many stay in Mexico City.
The Mexican government seeks for the U.S. to modify this rule so that the migratory flow can settle further north, something they have not achieved, nor have the Americans wanted to implement temporary employment programs.
In this regard, there is no concrete plan. For both Biden and Trump, their interests with Mexico focus on the commercial relationship and, secondarily, the migration phenomenon. Both issues, however, are intertwined, so the focus is no longer on who has done the best job but on which of the two will present the best proposals.
Next Thursday, June 27, the first debate will take place, and there, Mexicans and the world will learn part of their projects. Experts and senior Mexican officials say this first encounter will be crucial for the outcome of the November 5 elections.
Speaking of Northern Partners
Canada promotes a regional integration similar to that in the European Union, but only with the U.S. They conducted some surveys, and Canadians want Americans as allies but not Mexicans.
However, the López Obrador government has already taken the first steps to do the same with Latin American countries, for now only in commercial matters. Agreements were made, for example, for the purchase and sale of meat in the region, and the sale and distribution of medicines.
And as the philosopher… “What’s-his-name” says: “International relations are like a marriage: it requires a lot of commitment, patience, and sometimes ignoring the little offenses.”
By Alfredo González Castro
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