Three new border bridges and the Mesa de Otay II Crossing are set to be constructed
During a telephone call, President López Obrador and his counterpart, Joe Biden, highlighted the collaboration between Mexico and the United States
Yesterday, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador had a telephone call with his United States counterpart, President Joseph Biden. During the call, they discussed important topics on the bilateral agenda, such as economic integration, border infrastructure, and migration.
This followed an Executive Order issued by the U.S. president to reduce the flow of people across the border by tightening the criteria for granting asylum and allowing authorities to carry out immediate deportations of those who do not meet these criteria when the number of daily detentions exceeds 2,500 over an average of seven days.
In contrast, the statement from the Mexican Foreign Ministry highlights that President Joe Biden issued presidential permits to build three new border bridges in Texas and authorized the start of construction on the U.S. side of the Mesa de Otay II crossing. President López Obrador acknowledged these actions and emphasized that Biden "will go down in history as the president who builds bridges, not walls."
Both leaders agreed to continue the close cooperation between the two countries to address the root causes of migration in Latin America and the Caribbean and manage migratory flows in the region in an orderly.
On economic matters, they agreed that a Mexican delegation, led by the Secretary of Foreign Affairs, Alicia Bárcena Ibarra, and the Secretary of the Navy, Admiral José Rafael Ojeda Durán, will travel to Washington D.C. this week to present to U.S. officials and businesspeople the Interoceanic Corridor of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec and existing investment opportunities, as well as the potential for extending the Corridor to Guatemala.
The U.S. president also expressed his appreciation for a peaceful election day held on June 2, during which the people of Mexico elected Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo as president, making her the first female head of state of the country and North America.
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