Mexicans foresee the negative impact on border cities due to mass deportations from the U.S.
Survey by Heraldo Media Group and QM reveals concern
Many Mexicans fear that the mass deportations of undocumented immigrants proposed by U.S. President-elect Donald Trump could adversely affect border cities, which are crucial for the development of both countries.
Trump, who is scheduled to take office on January 20, has indicated his plans to commence mass deportations as soon as his term begins.
QM Opinion Studies, in partnership with Heraldo Media Group, surveyed approximately 800 Mexican citizens by phone, asking the question: “How do you think these deportations will impact cities like Tijuana, Ciudad Juárez, or Nuevo Laredo?”.
Among those surveyed, 67% believe the impact will be “bad”, 19% say it will be “average”, 7% think it will be “good”, and another 7% either “don’t know or didn’t respond”.
In response to Trump’s announced mass deportations, the Mexican federal government is preparing to receive all nationals who may be expelled from the neighboring country. The intention is to welcome them with dignity, compassion, and humanity.
The federal government has implemented a legal support strategy for Mexicans in the United States. Secretary of the Interior Rosa Icela Rodríguez is leading the efforts through meetings with governors and mayors across the country, particularly in the northern border region. She has met with Baja California Governor Marina del Pilar, Chihuahua Governor Maru Campos, and Tamaulipas Governor Américo Villarreal, alongside influential city mayors such as Ismael Burgueño Ruiz of Tijuana and Cruz Pérez Cuéllar of Ciudad Juárez.
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