Gymnast Alexa Moreno is the first Mexican athlete to have a Barbie made in her likeness
The young gymnast has achieved yet another milestone by having a doll created in her image as part of a celebration of her talent
Mexican gymnast Alexa Moreno never stops inspiring other young people to follow their dreams, work hard, and carve out a special place in the world. At 29 years old, she is the first Mexican athlete to have a Barbie doll made in her likeness.
Through her social media, the gymnast shared a video of the moment she held her doll for the first time.
The doll wears the red outfit Alexa used in Tokyo 2022
Alexa Moreno shared her excitement on social media about having a Barbie doll that looks just like her. She particularly emphasized the great responsibility it represents, "and I always think about being a better version of myself, both for myself and for those who are constantly watching me."
"The first time I saw a Barbie made to look like me, it gave me that 'you've done well' feeling. It’s very satisfying to know that what I do can motivate others to follow their own path and strive to achieve something great."
"I really like success stories, I like characters who get back up after every fall; I identify a lot with that. The best thing is not to be afraid to dream and take the plunge," she says in the emotional video.
Barbie posted on Instagram that the reason they celebrate athletes worldwide is due to their 65-year history in the market. "By telling their stories and honoring these role models with a unique Barbie doll in their likeness, girls of all ages will see that they too have the potential to be world-class athletes."
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