Program to regularize "Autos Chocolate" in Mexico continues until september

2.2 Million Vehicles Regularized. There are 172 modules for this process


Rosa Icela Rodríguez Velázquez, the Secretary of Security and Citizen Protection of the Mexican government, reported that the program for the Regularization of Foreign-Origin Vehicles, known as "autos chocolate," continues to be in effect, with 172 modules available throughout the country.


During the morning press conference on May 28, she specified that currently, 2,291,953 vehicles are registered, and 5,729,882,500 pesos have been collected from this program, which concludes on September 30 of this year.

"We will continue working because the resources obtained from this, as instructed by the president, will go towards paving the streets in the municipalities where these vehicles are being regularized," she stated.

"In Tamaulipas, Chihuahua, and Baja California, 50.7 percent of the total resources obtained are concentrated, and of course, these three states—Tamaulipas, Chihuahua, and Baja California—account for the bulk of vehicle regularizations," she commented.


Finally, it was specified that the service for the regularization of foreign-origin vehicles is provided by units related to the public vehicle registry, with the support of the Ministry of Finance.


For more information clic HERE.

With information from Iván Evair Saldaña and Noemi Gutiérrez

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