The Morena wave expands

As a result of the elections on June 2nd, Morena will govern in 24 out of the country's 32 states. The opposition will govern in 8 entities


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With the elections of June 2nd, the political landscape in Mexico has once again been reshaped, further consolidating Morena's hegemony in the country. The party, along with its allies, will now govern in 24 entities, including San Luis Potosí, where its ally, the Ecologist Green Party of Mexico (PVEM), governs.


Morena, PT, and PVEM project a qualified majority

With the June 2nd elections, the political landscape in the country was reshaped once again, with the National Regeneration Movement governing 24 entities.

Morena wins 11 out of 16 in Mexico City: regains mayoralties

The coalition of the Fourth Transformation, led by Morena, regained the mayoralties of Iztacalco, Venustiano Carranza, Tláhuac, and Milpa Alta. These districts had been governed by the PAN-PRI-PRD alliance, but the new wave of support for the Fourth Transformation reversed control in these areas.

Leyenda: Especial
  • Chiapas: Eduardo Ramírez sweeps the board.


Along with his overwhelming victory for governor, the 4t secured a majority in the local congress and municipal presidencies.


  • Guanajuato: Libia Dennise achieves a historic vote.

The virtual winner of the state received the highest number of registered votes in the state.

  • Jalisco: a contest with a photo-finish ending.

In light of Pablo Lemus's victory for governor, Morena denounces irregularities and calls for a vote recount.

  • Morelos: Margarita González Saravia starts a new era.

Electoral results confirm she will be the first female governor of the state.

  • Puebla: Alejandro Armenta retains state government.

The "Seguimos Haciendo Historia" alliance won the governorship and contributed over two million votes to Claudia Sheinbaum.

  • Tabasco: Javier May wins with 80% of the votes.

The candidate backed by Morena, PT, and PVEM triumphed with 777,498 votes.

  • Veracruz: Rocío Nahle sweeps the state.

The upcoming governor nearly doubles the number of votes of her closest opponent; Morena secures 29 out of 30 seats.

  • Huacho wins: Yucatán turns towards the Fourth Transformation.

Change arrives in both branches of the state government. The citizens give their vote of confidence to Morena-PT-PVEM.

With information of El Heraldo de México

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