Border tourism revenue grows 19.7 percent
Increase in Number of Travelers to Mexico
In April, six million seven hundred fifty-five thousand visitors entered the country, generating an economic impact of two billion seven hundred three million dollars, a 3 percent increase compared to the same month in 2023, according to the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (Inegi, by its acronym in Spanish).
The number of travelers increased by 10.9 percent year-on-year, and of this total, three million four hundred ninety-seven thousand were international tourists.
According to the figures, this is because individual tourists spent 400 dollars, 7.2 percent less than the 431 dollars spent in April 2023.
By type of tourist, in the fourth month of the year, international tourists (who stay at least one night) including both inbound and border tourists arriving in Mexico, totaled three million four hundred ninety-seven thousand, generating an economic impact of two billion four hundred ninety-three million dollars, an increase of 1.7 percent.
Particularly, border tourists (who stay within the border strip and enter on foot or by car) were one million three hundred twenty-eight thousand people, who spent 138 million dollars, an increase of 19.7 percent.
In the case of inbound tourists (who go beyond the border strip), there were two million one hundred fifteen thousand, spending two billion three hundred fifty-five million dollars in the country, an annual increase of 0.8 percent.
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