In Full: Marcelo Luis Ebrard Casaubón
In 1992, he was Secretary General of Government of the Federal District Regency.
64 YEARS OLD / Mexico City / Born on October 10, 1959 / Holds a Bachelor's degree in International Relations from El Colegio de México / Specialized in Public Administration at the École nationale d’administration in Paris, France / Since 2011, he has been married to Rosalinda Bueso, who was the ambassador of Honduras to Mexico from 2007 to 2010, and they have two children: Ivanna and Julián. From his first marriage to Francesca Ramos Morgan, he has three children: Anne Dominique, Francesca, and Marcelo.
• In 1992, he was Secretary General of Government of the Federal District Regency.
• From 1993 to 1994, he served as Undersecretary of the Secretariat of Foreign Affairs. From 2002 to 2004, he was Secretary of Public Security of the government of the then Federal District.
• After various roles, in 2018, he served as Secretary of Foreign Affairs. He resigned in June 2023 to participate in Morena's internal process for the presidential candidacy. • Under Claudia Sheinbaum, Ebrard will be the next Secretary of Economy, and one of his tasks will be the USMCA.
• His image is conservative and structured. He wears classic suits, predominantly navy blue, which communicate accessibility and formality.
• His ties, with stripes or small motifs and a lower degree of plain ones, communicate authority. His shirts are white or light-toned.
• He has maintained the same haircut, now accentuated by gray at the temples, to generate a perception of experience and authority.
• When he has no public activities, he likes to dress casually.
• Relations with the country's business sector, which is divided by the current government's positions.
• In his initial statements, he mentioned that it is an honor to be part of Claudia Sheinbaum's team, which will build the second phase of the 4T in the next six years.
• He is one of the most experienced politicians who will be part of the virtual president's Cabinet.
• Due to his knowledge, he was considered for one of the most important Secretariats.
• He has the experience to form new cadres of politicians at all levels.
• His career allows him to position himself as one of the most experienced secretaries in the Cabinet.
• Twitter: @m_ebrard
• 2.7 million followers.
• Along with TikTok, it is his most used network. He declared that he manages them himself.
• He has posted 15,357 tweets and follows 1,671 accounts.
• On TikTok, he has 1.3 million followers.
• On Facebook, he has 597,000 followers.
• He has been a user since 2010.
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