“Obtain Mexican Nationality”

A call to young people living in the U.S. participating in the 2024 Cultural Immersion Program of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (SRE)

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With a call to obtain Mexican nationality, the Head of the North America Unit of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA), Roberto Velasco Álvarez, addressed the 51 young Mexicans from 24 regions of the United States participating in the fourth edition of the Cultural Immersion and Volunteering Program (CIVP), and invited them to be part of this country and be recognized as Mexican citizens.


"I know that some are American citizens, some are 'Dreamers'... I hope that all those who do not have Mexican nationality will be encouraged to approach one of our consulates, carry out their process to become part of this country, not only in terms of their origin but also to have the capacity to participate, for example, to vote [...] we are trying to move in that direction of expanding the rights of Mexican citizens in decision-making and also being recognized as citizens of our country."

During the closing ceremony of the 2024 edition of the CIVP, Velasco Álvarez also urged this generation of Mexicans brought by their parents in their early years of life, called Dreamers, beneficiaries of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, to approach the consular network to be supported in those procedures that allow them to access the recently proposed regularization policies for undocumented Mexicans by the administration of President Joe Biden.

Foto: Heraldo Media Group

It is worth noting that, according to the Census Fact Finder, 9% of the total Mexican population residing in the United States is in the age range of 15 to 19 years. This amounts to 3,382,605 young people.


The MFA mentioned that it is estimated that nearly 400,000 Dreamers are eligible for DACA and around 95,000 Dreamers have already applied to join this process. However, Judge Andrew S. Hanen of the Federal District Court in Houston prohibited the government from processing new applications.


"To those who are Dreamers (know that) we are closely following this new measure by President Biden's administration; we are in talks with the administration on how to support people who remain undocumented in the U.S. of Mexican origin, and once the guidelines are issued - which will be very soon - I hope you will decide to take these measures since all of you are students and will be able to access this privilege," emphasized Velasco.

He also asked the young people to inform their families to go to the consulates where they will receive guidance on how to benefit from Biden's proposed measure to regularize their status if they are spouses of U.S. citizens. Highlighting the importance of the bilateral relationship between Mexico and the United States - not only at the commercial level - he urged the attendees to be optimistic in the face of negative narratives surrounding the migrant population because there is an indissoluble relationship whose basis "is you, the people, not what a candidate says."

For his part, the head of the Institute of Mexicans Abroad (IMA), Luis Gutiérrez Reyes, emphasized that the CIVP emerged in this six-year term to not lose connection with the new generations because "Everyone is still Mexico."

Foto: Heraldo Media Group

Grecia Marcelle Chavira, daughter of parents originally from Mexico City and Sinaloa, emphasized that they leave grateful for having had the opportunity to visit Mexico and immerse themselves in the culture they were fortunate to be born into. "I can't say I'm Mexican, but I can't say I feel American either [...], I'm not an immigrant, but I am the daughter of immigrants and that defines my life, my personality, and my history," she said.

Referring to the duration of the Immersion Program, Citlalli Ávila, born in South Carolina but whose family is from Michoacán, said that three weeks were too short "given so much to see, so much to discover, so much to help".

We take away a new perspective and awareness about migration, its causes, and how it has impacted our lives.

"It has taught me to be more sensitive to migrants, it has taught me what I want to do with my career, and that is to help people." Citlalli, recently graduated with a degree in Political Science, emphasized that it is essential for this or a similar program to continue as there are many Mexicans in the United States who must continue living their culture no matter where they are.

The event also featured representatives from three of the four entities that hosted the young people, Arturo Alberto Morell Barragán, General Coordinator of Advisors and International Affairs of Mexico City, who asked the young people to "take pride in being Mexican"; Andrea López Contreras, head of the Secretariat of Migrant Affairs of the Michoacán government, who emphasized that there is another Michoacán in the United States with more than 4 million people, as well as the Director General of Migrant Attention of the state of Hidalgo, which ranks 10th among the entities expelling migrants, with about 450,000 Hidalguenses in the U.S.

Foto: Heraldo Media Group

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