Win with Nearshoring
DHL Express Mexico invested 180 million dollars in 2023 to expand its operations at AIFA and projects another 120 million dollars for a hub in Querétaro.
Although some specialists remain skeptical about the true potential that nearshoring will bring to Mexico due to the lack of infrastructure to provide clean electricity and water, some companies are preparing for the arrival of more foreign firms.
Such is the case with DHL Express Mexico, the logistics giant led by Antonio Arranz, which reports a significant increase in its cargo operations due to the relocation of companies.
Last year, the company invested 180 million dollars and is preparing new investments.
One of DHL Express's first investments was the construction of a 10,000 square meter facility at Felipe Angeles International Airport, which has expanded its presence in the premium category of messaging.
At this airport, DHL receives two flights a day with international cargo and reached a record of 36,000 packages per day moved in December, up from the previous record of 20,000 packages.
Another major investment by Arranz is the creation of a cargo hub at Querétaro Airport, where 120 million dollars will be invested.
This hub is expected to be ready by the end of the year to serve companies in the automotive and aerospace sectors in central Mexico, which could become another key area for the relocation of companies given the saturation observed in the industrial parks of northern Mexico.
Arranz, who is also the CEO of DHL in Mexico, says that the investments made by the German firm are a clear sign of confidence in Mexico's economy not only because of the potential of nearshoring but also because of the boom in e-commerce and the opportunities in the logistics business due to the country's geographic position.
Money Trail
Quintana Roo Governor Mara Lezama Espinosa reported that in the first four months of the year, tourist arrivals to various destinations in the state increased by 2.9 percent compared to the same period last year. During this time, the number of domestic and foreign tourists who arrived in the state was 7.2 million people, making it the most visited state in the country.
President Andrés Manuel López Obrador hinted that it is very likely that the Director General of IMSS, Zoé Robledo Gutiérrez; the head of Cofepris, Alejandro Svarch; and the Undersecretary of Health, Ruy López Ridaura, will continue in their positions in the next government.
Analysts at CI Banco estimate that it will be difficult for the Bank of Mexico, headed by Governor Victoria Rodríguez Ceja, to reduce its interest rate at its next meeting in August, partly due to ongoing inflationary pressures from food and the uncertainty surrounding the approval of controversial constitutional reforms in September.
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