Mexico increased its international cooperation offer by 25%: AMEXCID
The investment during this six-year term has been $208 million. The experience of the Ministry of Welfare was taken to countries such as El Salvador, Honduras, and Guatemala
During this administration, Mexico's offer of resources and projects for international cooperation grew by 25% compared to the previous federal administration.
This, according to data reported in the XXI session of the Advisory Council of the Mexican Agency for International Development Cooperation (AMEXCID), a decentralized body of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
During the meeting, Gloria Sandoval Salas, Executive Director of AMEXCID, presented the latest results of Mexico's work in international cooperation, before representatives of all the federal government's secretariats, who make up the Advisory Council.
According to the report, Mexico, through AMEXCID, increased its investment in international cooperation projects from $166 million up to 2018 to $208 million during the current administration. This means the country increased its cooperation offer by one-fourth to support the sustainable development of nations, as authorized by the International Cooperation Law.
“The results of the Sembrando Vida and Jóvenes Construyendo el Futuro programs, primarily designed to support the countries of northern Central America, have demonstrated efficiency in boosting local sustainable development, contributing to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals, and addressing the structural causes of forced human mobility,” said Sandoval Salas.
In her participation, Foreign Minister Alicia Bárcena, who chairs the Advisory Council, highlighted that AMEXCID has been a fundamental instrument for development and cooperation.
“The international cooperation carried out by the Agency is not only what the Foreign Ministry does, but what Mexico does, what has been achieved in Central America with projects like Sembrando Vida and Jóvenes Construyendo el Futuro. The experience of the Ministry of Welfare was taken to countries such as El Salvador, Honduras, and Guatemala.
“Mexico has become a cooperator, and cooperation has become a fundamental tool of Mexican foreign policy,” she said.
The total number of new programs in the AMEXCID’s Catalogue of International Development Cooperation Projects, presented by its Executive Director at the working session, is 459.
“The catalogue is an information tool that makes visible the international cooperation projects and programs executed or coordinated by the Agency during the current administration.
“The Agency assumed a leading role in the implementation of projects abroad to offer direct cooperation on the ground, without intermediaries, addressing the most pressing needs of people,” said Sandoval Salas.
Among the most important actions carried out by AMEXCID this year, the participation of Mexico in the G20, held in Brazil, stood out, which allowed for the approval of the creation of the Global Alliance Against Hunger and Poverty, and Mexico’s presidency of the MIKTA group, from which our country called for strengthening global governance and multilateralism through work on agricultural issues and disaster risk management.
Additionally, she highlighted Mexico's candidacy to chair the Financial Action Task Force, which, by consensus, the country will chair from 2024 to 2026, as part of the national strategy to combat money laundering and terrorism financing.
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