Sheinbaum appoints the first woman to lead the CFE
She also announced that morning press conferences will continue at 7 am during her government
The virtual president of Mexico, Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo, has announced Emilia Esther Calleja Alor as the first female Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) general director starting in October.
Calleja Alor, an electronics engineer from the Technological Institute of Celaya with a master’s in administration, has worked at the state-owned company for 21 years.
“She is the first woman to be the director of the Federal Electricity Commission. She is an engineer who started from the bottom, grew within CFE, and is deeply committed to the company. She knows the field well and has a strong leadership among her colleagues,” Sheinbaum explained.
For her part, Calleja Alor stated that they will continue strengthening the CFE's 54% share in energy generation to ensure that electricity reaches all areas.
“We will continue to strengthen that 54% share in national generation that we have with the CFE, promoting its growth, ensuring that electricity reaches all places at affordable prices, and promoting the efficient use of energy and the energy transition,” she said.
In addition, Sheinbaum informed that outgoing governors from Morena will participate in the next administration, as she has personally invited them. The governors include Martí Batres from Mexico City, Rutilio Escandón from Chiapas, Carlos Merino from Tabasco, Cuitláhuac García from Veracruz, and Salomón Céspedes from Puebla.
She also clarified that Security Cabinet meetings will continue at 6 a.m., followed by morning press conferences from Monday to Friday at 7 a.m., and weekend tours will continue to work with state governors.
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