Sheinbaum and AMLO Conclude State Tours and Continue with Inaugurations
Yesterday, the 10-week tour across the states concluded; however, she will accompany him in the inauguration of pending projects in the country.
President-elect Claudia Sheinbaum confirmed that, despite concluding their tours across all the states of the Republic yesterday with President Andrés Manuel López Obrador as part of the transition tour, she will now accompany him for the inauguration of pending projects.
“Today, we conclude this tour, which I call historic, with the President. It is a transition between the government of the President, who is closing a cycle, and the second phase of the Fourth Transformation (4T) that will begin next year. We will continue traveling with the President because he has already invited me to join him for the inaugurations he has scheduled during this period. But I want to share that these have been very emotional and beautiful moments,” she stated.
For his part, the federal leader emphasized during the evaluation of the "Youth Building the Future" or Jóvenes Construyendo el Futuro program in Monterrey that, for the first time, the transition between governments is being carried out harmoniously. He pointed out that the president-elect and the incumbent president did not agree in the past.
“This is a smooth transition, unlike anything seen in many years, because, after the presidential election, the sitting president remained in office; there was a president-elect, but they would not meet or come to agreements, and there was no continuity for ongoing projects or development plans,” he acknowledged.
Meanwhile, Nuevo León Governor Samuel García expressed his gratitude to López Obrador for his support in the various projects developed in the state, citing the construction of the Cuchillo II aqueduct and the Libertad Dam as examples.
“I want to thank, on behalf of all Nuevo León, because the President helped us in many areas: water, security, mobility, and others. Thanks to the President, we could complete the Cuchillo II aqueduct in record time, and now the Libertad Dam is on its way,” he said.
Finally, García Sepúlveda stated that during the president-elect's administration, support for the state will continue, emphasizing road infrastructure. “I am sure that if Nuevo León prospered under President Andrés Manuel, we will fare even better under President Claudia. The best three years for Nuevo León are ahead of us.”
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