Pensioners in Mexico: How Much Will They Receive in October?
IMSS and ISSSTE Have Released All the Details Regarding Payments
In recent days, some pensioners from the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS) and the Institute for Social Security and Services for State Workers (ISSSTE) have turned to digital platforms to inquire about the amount they should receive in their pension payments for October.
Both IMSS and ISSSTE were forced to make adjustments to the payment dates for their retired workers, as the usual deposit days will fall on bank holidays. According to the official calendar of the Institute for Social Security and Services for State Workers (ISSSTE), the deposit for their pensioners and retirees for the month of October will be made on Friday, September 27th, while retired workers affiliated with the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS) will experience a slight delay, as they will not be able to access their funds until Wednesday, October 2nd.
IMSS and ISSSTE: How Much Will Pensioners Receive in October Payments?
According to both institutions, the October 2024 payment will not include any additional benefits. Therefore, pensioners from both social security institutions will only receive the amount equivalent to their pension, which is determined based on the individual situation of each worker at the time of retirement.
Safety Recommendations When Collecting Payments
The Mexican Social Security Institute and the Institute for Social Security and Services for State Workers have issued a series of recommendations for retirees to collect their money as safely as possible. Among these suggestions, they emphasize going accompanied by a trusted person to avoid any inconveniences or potential abuse.
Another recommendation highlighted is to collect the pension money in the days following the deposit. This aims to prevent unnecessary crowds at banking centers.
Finally, it is reminded that pensions can also be collected at various convenience stores, and purchases can be made directly with the pension card at various authorized establishments.
Questions About Pension Payments?
If you have any questions about the program's operation, the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS) has made available the number 800 623 2323, where you should select option 3 to have your questions addressed by Institute personnel. Meanwhile, the Institute for Social Security and Services for State Workers (ISSSTE) has provided the number 55 5062 0555 or the email addresses and
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