President López Obrador asserts that the Maya Train will be fully operational by late 2024
He also inaugurates Ichkabal, the largest and most expansive Mayan city in the Yucatán Peninsula, with over 40 meters tall structures.
President Andrés Manuel López Obrador has pledged that the Maya Train will be fully operational by the end of the year. During the inauguration ceremony of the Ichkabal archaeological site, he was joined by president-elect Claudia Sheinbaum. He assured that access to the site would be resolved as soon as possible, given the upcoming holiday season.
“A lot of people will visit. The train will begin running normally before the year ends. I won’t be around by then; the president will, but General Vallejo has already committed to ensuring the train is completed, and they always deliver,” López Obrador said.
Mara Lezama Highlights Quintana Roo’s Development
Governor Mara Lezama Espinosa, who accompanied López Obrador and Sheinbaum on this weekend’s tour, highlighted the inauguration of major projects and celebrated Sheinbaum's victory.
“These are historic days for our beautiful state, especially for southern Quintana Roo, which suffered from neglect for many years. Ichkabal, once unknown, is now unveiled to the world. The entire globe will be able to witness the majesty of Ichkabal, a fundamental part of the magnificent and ancient Mayan culture,” she remarked. Lezama Espinosa criticized previous governments for using the archaeological site as a campaign promise without delivering.
She noted that Ichkabal, the largest and most expansive ancient Mayan city in the Yucatán Peninsula, boasts over 2,000 years of history. It now stands as one of the region's most important archaeological tourism circuits. She emphasized that the inauguration marks a significant development for the area.
“As we always say, success must come with shared prosperity. The residents of this region should be the main beneficiaries of this success. That is the essence of the new agreement for the well-being and development of Quintana Roo,” she added.
INAH Highlights Promeza Program
Diego Prieto Hernández, General Director of the National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH), praised the Archaeological Site Improvement Program (Promeza), which has enhanced knowledge and facilitated visits to 30 archaeological sites across the region.
“And one of these sites, Ichkabal, will soon open its doors thanks to Promeza. We are very grateful for this initiative from the president and the support of the Ministry of National Defense, which made access to Ichkabal possible and enabled the infrastructure development needed to open the site to visitors. We also extend our thanks to all the workers who have contributed to this archaeological effort,” Prieto said.
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