Mexico, Third Worldwide in WhatsApp Business Usage
Only 25 percent of the top 100 companies have a verified WhatsApp Business account. According to Blip, the country is already important in the AI market
Mexico ranks third globally in WhatsApp Business usage among companies, behind India and Brazil. As a result, the country has become a key player in the conversational Artificial Intelligence (AI) market, noted Jaime Navarro, Executive Director for Latin America and Europe, the Middle East, and Africa at the specialized platform Blip.
He pointed out that the way people communicate and interact has evolved, not only with loved ones but also with the brands they consume, thanks to AI tools. Messaging channels now dominate brand-client communications in the conversational era, with platforms like WhatsApp, Messenger, and others enabling personalized interactions.
"Adapting to this trend is vital to maintaining a competitive edge in today’s communication landscape," he said in an interview with El Heraldo de México during his visit to the country.
In the case of Mexico, there is still a lot of untapped potential, given that only 25 percent of the top 100 companies have a verified WhatsApp Business account, which is where these conversational tools have the most impact.
He described it as the convergence of two major trends—instant messaging, like WhatsApp, and conversational AI, which was accelerated by the pandemic.
Thus, this messaging application has evolved from being a vehicle for mass notifications to an operating system that orchestrates many of the services and data sources within a company, enabling the customer to have a conversation with that company, he explained.
An example of its use is the way Bimbo’s sales representatives place orders through WhatsApp, leaving behind the old method of ordering via the intranet.
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