FinaBien Promotes Financial Inclusion and Fights Poverty

77,000 Cards Issued in the United States. Makes Sending Remittances Easier


The Ministry of Finance and Public Credit (SHCP) recognized the results of Financiera para el Bienestar (FinaBien) in promoting financial inclusion, thus combating poverty and fostering equality, according to Gabriel Yorio González, Undersecretary of the federal agency.


This was mentioned during the presentation of FinaBien’s main results, an institution created by decree published on October 21, 2022, in the Official Gazette of the Federation, replacing Mexico's Telegraphs (Telecomm), as stated by its General Director, Rocío Mejía Flores.

In this regard, Gabriel Yorio, said that these results not only represent the closing of a cycle but also the recognition of a stage of profound and necessary transformation.

"Under your leadership, we have seen how this institution has not only grown but has also consolidated itself and is bringing hope and opportunities to millions of Mexicans," said the official.


He emphasized that Mexico's economic and social development is a crucial issue, which is why this administration set a historic challenge: to bring financial services to every corner of the country and to all sectors of society.


Meanwhile, Rocío Mejía Flores reported that, once the agency took charge of the programs Tandas para el Bienestar and Crédito a la Palabra, from 2019 to 2024, 46,268.3 million pesos have been invested to finance the productive activities of family businesses.

Regarding remittances, she highlighted that to reduce costs and facilitate transfers, the Finabien United States and Mexico card was designed, with 77,000 cards issued so far in the neighboring country, through which 12 million dollars have been transferred.

In terms of formal popular savings, she mentioned that over 7,000 Cetesdirecto accounts have already been opened through FinaBien.

Información de El Heraldo de México

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