Citizens support Judicial Reform in Mexico
A survey conducted by QM in partnership with Heraldo Media Group reveals that over half of the population agrees with the popular election of the judiciary.
According to a survey by QM Estudios de Opinión, in collaboration with Heraldo Media Group, the public supports the reform of the Judicial Branch and advocates for judges, magistrates, and Supreme Court ministers to be elected through popular vote.
The poll indicates that 65.9% of respondents know the judicial reform President Andrés Manuel López Obrador and President-elect Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo proposed. Meanwhile, 30.9% said they were unaware; the remaining 3.2% responded "don't know/didn't answer."
60.2% in favor of electing Judges through popular vote
When asked, "Are you in favor or against this judicial reform?" 53.3% of those who were aware of the reform said they were "in favor," 34.2% were "against," and 12.5% responded "don't know/didn't answer."
Another question posed was, "How do you think Supreme Court ministers should be chosen?" Here, 60.2% responded "by election of the people of Mexico," 26.9% preferred the "Senate of the Republic," and 12.9% answered "don't know/didn't answer."
When asked, "How do you think magistrates and judges of the Judicial Branch should be chosen?" 62.5% answered "by election of the people of Mexico," 26.9% favored the "Federal Judicial Branch," and 10.6% answered "don't know/didn't answer."
This survey was conducted via phone interviews with 800 respondents between September 10 and 13, 2024. The margin of error is +/-3.51%, and the confidence level is 95%.
Judicial Reform comes Into effect.
President Andrés Manuel López Obrador signed the Judicial Reform decree into law, as published in the Official Gazette of the Federation (DOF) on September 15. The reform took effect on September 16.
The National Electoral Institute (INE) will organize the extraordinary elections on June 1, 2025, allowing eligible citizens to vote for ministers, judges, and magistrates at the polls.
Información publicada originalmente en El Heraldo de México
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