Alicia Bárcena bids farewell to accredited diplomatic corps in Mexico
Emphasizes Close and Humanitarian Foreign Policy
In her farewell address to the Diplomatic Corps accredited in Mexico, Foreign Secretary Alicia Bárcena Ibarra underscored the importance of respecting national sovereignty. Speaking at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, she expressed her gratitude to the diplomats for building bridges between nations.
The meeting took place on Tuesday, with ambassadors in attendance from countries with whom Mexico has had a pause in bilateral relations, such as Spain's Juan Duarte and the U.S.'s Ken Salazar. Representatives from over 86 countries were present, including Slovakia’s ambassador, Terézia Šajgalíková—Dean of Female Diplomats—and delegates from 42 international organizations and agencies.
Acknowledging AMLO's work and the Fourth Transformation
Bárcena highlighted that Mexico is undergoing its Fourth Transformation, grounded in social justice: “The government led by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, whom I am honored to represent, gave me the greatest professional and personal opportunity of my life. He has reversed social trends and laid the foundations for building a just, equal, and fraternal society."
She also noted that Claudia Sheinbaum will become the first female president of Mexico and will continue the transformational and humanitarian project initiated by López Obrador.
Bárcena emphasized Mexico's proactive foreign policy actions, recalling the swift response to "the cowardly attack by the Ecuadorian armed forces against our embassy in Quito."
Highlighting Mexican Foreign Policy
She stated that Mexico has forged an economic policy to strengthen the region alongside the United States and Canada. "We are experiencing deep and significant economic growth, but we must sustain it based on equality and mutual respect."
Bárcena assured that ongoing high-level dialogues are in place to address key priorities for all three countries. She highlighted a new paradigm for managing borders, both in the north and south: “The border should not be a source of conflict, but a space for connection, dynamism, and prosperity.”
She also pointed to the Mexican Model of Human Mobility, noting that as a country of origin, transit, destination, and return, Mexico requires public policies distinct from those of other nations.
The issue of migration is no longer just a bilateral problem between Mexico and the United States—Ken Salazar knows this well. We are now addressing the migration phenomenon with a regional, humanitarian, and comprehensive perspective," she stated.
The event was also attended by Gerardo Fernández Noroña, President of the Senate; Senator Alejandro Murat Hinojosa, Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee; and Senator Ana Lilia Rivera, Chairwoman of the National Defense Committee.
Noemí Gutiérrez
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