"El Buen Fin," "México Muy Mexicano," and Business Conferences Are Coming Soon
The Confederation of National Chambers of Commerce, Services, and Tourism announced activities for October and November. These events will strengthen the sector's development
The president of the Confederation of National Chambers of Commerce, Services, and Tourism (Concanaco Servytur), Octavio de la Torre, and the Secretary of Tourism of Nayarit and president of Asetur, José Enrique Suárez Real del Tostado, announced four important events that will boost economic development in the sector.
In addition to driving the region's economic growth, these events will have a significant tourism impact, benefiting family businesses, they asserted.
The first event on the calendar is the Young Entrepreneurs Congress, presented by Alondra Villaseñor, regional vice president, and Erick Peláez, national vice president of Young Entrepreneurs. It will take place from October 3 to 4 in Morelia, as part of the CANACO Expo 2024.
From November 20 to 22, the 2nd Business Summit of Leaders in Commerce, Services, and Tourism will be held in Nayarit, featuring three international speakers, a concert, and tourism activities.
From November 15 to 18, "El Buen Fin, Muy Mexicano" will take place, with the participation of 170,000 businesses nationwide. Octavio de la Torre announced that this year's "El Buen Fin" will have a special "Muy Mexicano" theme.
Finally, there will be "México Muy Mexicano," where 32 national companies will be recognized in November during the Business Summit for their contribution to local development and their commitment to Mexican culture and tradition.
These events will play a decisive role in the tourism development of the host states, increasing hotel occupancy and consumption in restaurants, shops, and services, concluded Octavio de la Torre.
Información originalmente publicada en El Heraldo de México.
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