Minimum Wage Increased by an Average of 20% During López Obrador’s Administration

Morena Deputy explains that the reform approved in the Chamber of Deputies establishes that the annual setting of general or professional minimum wages will never be below inflation.

The Morena Deputy, Pedro Haces Barba, speaking at the podium in the Chamber of Deputies
The Morena Deputy, Pedro Haces Barba, speaking at the podium in the Chamber of Deputies

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After the plenary session of the Chamber of Deputies approved the reform to Article 123 of the Constitution to establish that general or professional minimum wages will never be set below inflation, Morena Deputy Pedro Haces Barba pointed out that, in the last five years of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador’s administration, wages have increased by an average of 20%.


In an interview for the program “Sergio Sarmiento y Lupita Juárez” on Heraldo Radio, broadcast via El Heraldo Media Group, Pedro Haces Barba explained that this reform ensures that the annual setting and review of general or professional minimum wages will never fall below the inflation observed during the period they are in effect.

It establishes that full-time elementary school teachers, police officers, national guards, members of the Armed Forces, as well as doctors, nurses, among others, will receive a monthly salary that cannot be lower than the average wage registered with the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS),” he mentioned.

Minimum Wage Increased by an Average of 20% During López Obrador’s Administration
Minimum Wage Increased by an Average of 20% During López Obrador’s Administration

He indicated that the referenced salary is 16,700 pesos, which is the average monthly wage registered in 2023 with the IMSS, and this is updated based on inflation.


It is estimated that this amount will be updated this year, and each January 1st, it will increase according to the inflation rate for the year,” Pedro Haces Barba explained.


The Morena Deputy emphasized that he has had many conversations with business owners and has repeatedly told them not to fear wage increases, because if workers have purchasing power, businesses will see more sales in their shops and companies.

Información publicada originalmente en El Heraldo de México 

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