Monterrey International Book Fair 2024: Free Admission and Over 600 National and International Authors
Cristina Rivera Garza and Anne Boyer, Pulitzer Prize winners, will participate
The Monterrey International Book Fair (FIL Monterrey) is one of the state’s largest and most important cultural events. It has consistently attracted a significant national and international audience, as it promotes culture and reading, offering much more than just the opportunity to purchase books at affordable prices.
The 2024 FIL Monterrey program is especially focused on encouraging reading from an early age. This year’s event is family-centered, with a special emphasis on children. More than 50 activities will be aimed specifically at young readers.
Featured guests and events at the Monterrey International Book Fair 2024
This year’s fair will spotlight emerging and established authors, with over 600 writers worldwide. Among the notable participants are Pulitzer Prize winners Cristina Rivera Garza and Anne Boyer.
Northern Mexican authors David Toscana and Luis Humberto Crosthwaite will be featured at the Monterrey Book Fair, along with Agustina Bazterrica, Mónica Ojeda, María Sánchez, and Jon Bilbao, representing Argentina, Ecuador, and Spain, respectively.
Tecnológico de Monterrey organizes the event, with the Autonomous Metropolitan University (UAM) as the guest of honor. The fair will also host the second edition of the Children’s and Youth Literature Congress (LIJ), further promoting top-tier cultural and academic dialogue.
Monterrey International Book Fair 2024: Dates, Hours, Costs, and Location
- The 2024 Monterrey International Book Fair will be held at the Monterrey International Business Center (Cintermex) in Parque Fundidora, Adolfo Prieto S/N, Colonia Obrera, Monterrey, N.L.
- The event will kick off on Saturday, September 28, and run through Sunday, October 6.
- The fair will be open daily from 10:00 AM to 9:00 PM, with free admission.
Información publicada originalmente en El Heraldo de México
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