Ebrard's Economic Strategy

T-MEC and Nearshoring, Priorities

Reducing Informality and Combating Crime-Related Economy Among the Tasks
Reducing Informality and Combating Crime-Related Economy Among the Tasks

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PLAYA DEL CARMEN. The Economy Ministry of the administration that will take office on October 2 announced that it will initially focus on five priorities: T-MEC review; opportunities for nearshoring; private and federal investments; technological development; and reducing informality.


Marcelo Ebrard, the incoming Economy Secretary, stated that a path has already been established for the upcoming consultation and review of the Mexico-United States-Canada Agreement (T-MEC), which will begin next year.

“Nobody benefits from weakening the trade agreement; on the contrary, it’s beneficial to strengthen it,” he emphasized.

Ebrard noted that the T-MEC is already insufficient for trade exchange. During the National Convention of the National Chamber of Cargo Transport (Canacar) 2024, Ebrard pointed out that Mexico’s share in the U.S. market has increased from 5 percent in the 1980s to 16 percent this year.


“What we need to do is raise that percentage, double it,” he stated.


In front of transport industry representatives, Ebrard highlighted Mexico’s strategic position in the region. One of the goals of the next administration is to develop 10 industrial corridors, where investments will be reviewed in quarterly meetings involving private sector leaders.

He mentioned that investment portfolios will be developed in light of the opportunities created by nearshoring. Another objective of the new government, he noted, is to reduce informality, which represents 54 percent in the country.

“For the country to thrive, its businesses—large, medium, and small—must do well,” and for that, he indicated, “the goal of the Economy Ministry is to ensure investments, establish security, and improve our foreign trade.”

Another task is to combat insecurity, for which they will set up a command center to understand what is happening and take actions, including creating a crime map that encompasses all economic activities related to crime, “because this is an economy we must combat,” he said.

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