At Least a 12% Increase in 2025 for the Minimum Wage Proposed by Sheinbaum
The President of Mexico said that the goal of this government is for the increase to be gradual and to reach 2.5 basic baskets
President Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo stated that the reform aimed at reducing the workweek to 40 hours will be implemented with the consensus of business leaders and gradually introduced.
“What are we proposing? That it be done by consensus. That’s why I suggested a gradual approach—so we can sit down with businessmen and women, with worker representatives, and continue increasing the minimum wage, which is very important,” she added.
Sheinbaum Seeks a 12% Minimum Wage Increase in 2025
During the second “people’s morning press conference” from the National Palace, Sheinbaum noted that there is already a group of workers with this work schedule and stated that others cannot be left out.
“So, our goal with the upcoming reforms is to include all workers because there is already a significant number who work 40 hours, and there are many others asking for it, and we cannot deny this reality,” she said.
Meanwhile, Claudia Sheinbaum said that regarding the increase in the minimum wage, this government’s goal is for it to be gradually raised to the equivalent of 2.5 basic baskets. This, she explained, means that the minimum wage increase next year could be around 12 percent.
The President also emphasized that this increase will have to be agreed upon with business leaders and implemented gradually to avoid negatively impacting inflation.
El Heraldo de México
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