Development and Fight Against Labor Poverty, Goals of Mexico's New Government

The Head of SENER Stated that the State Should Be a Guide, Not a Corrector, of Market Forces

Development and Fight Against Labor Poverty, Goals of Mexico's New Government
CIUDAD DE MÉXICO, 27JUNIO2024.- Claudia Sheinbaum, virtual presidenta de México, presentó la segunda parte del que será su gabinete una vez que obtenga el cargo. En esta ocasión, fueron anunciados: Luz Elena González Escobar; David Kershenobich; Raquel Buenrostro; Jesús Antonio Esteve, y Edna Elena Vega Rangel. FOTO: GALO CAÑAS/CUARTOSCURO.COM

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After announcing that the National Energy Plan will be presented in the coming weeks, the Secretary of Energy, Luz Elena González Escobar, affirmed that this government’s mission is innovation and development, with one of its major goals being to lift 18 million formal and informal workers out of labor poverty.


During her participation in the keynote lecture by Italian economist Mariana Mazzucato, González Escobar mentioned that the government’s plan is based on Mazzucato’s theory regarding the role of the State as a guiding force for market dynamics, rather than as a corrector.

She explained that Claudia Sheinbaum’s national plan “was inspired and crafted with Mazzucato’s idea of mission, that is, with a national purpose, a government plan with a series of coherent objectives that align with the idea of the State.”

At the event held at the Faculty of Economics of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), she noted that the government has a plan based on “100 missions,” highlighting two: the creation of a Digital Transformation Agency, previously established in Mexico City, and the eradication of labor poverty for more than 18 million Mexicans.


For her part, Mariana Mazzucato, professor and researcher at the Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose at University College London, proposed that the State’s role should be fundamental in shaping the economy to make it more inclusive, where the government acts as a creator of innovation and scientific research. She emphasized the need to create social agreements in which the State leads and the private sector becomes a strong ally.

Nota publicada originalmente en El Heraldo de México.

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