Rescuing Acapulco
Sectur Pledges to Restore the Splendor of the Iconic Mexican Port
After Hurricane John, Josefina Rodríguez Zamora, Secretary of Tourism (Sectur), committed to restoring the splendor of Acapulco, Guerrero. She led a team of 244 public servants from the department to strengthen the cleaning brigades.
During a working tour, she stated, “We are committed to restoring this destination’s (Acapulco’s) splendor and ensuring the well-being of all the families who depend on tourism. We will achieve it together!”
She reported that Sectur’s cleaning brigades are focusing on streets, schools, and homes in the neighborhoods of Parque Ecológico de Viveristas, El Coloso, Jardín Princesa, and Colosio in the port of Acapulco, which were affected by the hydrometeorological phenomenon.
Various Agencies to Assist Acapulco
Rodríguez Zamora announced that public servants from the General Directorate of Tourist Services “Green Angels,” as well as from the National Fund for Tourism Promotion (Fonatur), had joined the task force. These agencies provide free support in cases of natural disasters, roadside assistance, and tourist guidance on highways.
In this context, the Secretary indicated that, following instructions from President Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo, “all rescue work for Acapulco will continue, in coordination with the private sector, to provide all necessary support for the port’s recovery.”
She added that Sheinbaum had instructed the Ministries of Tourism and Economy, along with Fonatur, to assist in the recovery of the port, which has been hit by two major hurricanes in less than two years.
Lastly, she reported that once the census of those affected by the storm is completed, additional support measures will be defined, such as housing improvements, household items, or, in some cases, the possibility of relocating homes that are too close to riverbanks.
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