Mexico Reports 30,000 Annual Cases of Breast Cancer

If detected early, 95% of cases are curable

Mexico Reports 30,000 Annual Cases of Breast Cancer

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In Mexico, according to data from the Ministry of Health, approximately 30,000 cases of breast cancer are diagnosed each year. “Breast cancer is something that will continue to be diagnosed because we are a population that is beginning to age, and because we have high rates of obesity. Breast cancer will continue to be diagnosed, that is something we cannot change, but what we must change is the probability of dying from cancer,” said Dr. Claudia Arce Salinas, head of the medical oncology department at the National Cancer Institute (INCAN), in an interview with Mente Mujer.


According to the breast cancer specialist, “Currently, out of every four patients we diagnose, one will die from the disease. The goal is to reduce that 25%,” explained Arce Salinas, adding that in other countries, breast cancer death rates are lower. “For example, in countries like the United States or European countries, only 10% of patients die; that is, out of every 10 breast cancer patients, one will die from the disease. That should be our goal.”

“Cancer is a disease that can be cured if diagnosed early.”

Contrary to popular belief about this disease, Dr. Claudia emphasized that “breast cancer is a disease that can be cured if diagnosed early.” According to the Ministry of Health, up to 95% of breast cancer cases diagnosed in a timely manner are curable.

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(Créditos: Especial)

“(Patients) need to understand that cancer, if diagnosed in its early stages, is curable. It can be cured without the need for aggressive surgeries or treatments, which is why early diagnosis is so important,” the doctor explained. For this reason, INCAN is working to ensure that once a patient arrives at the hospital, treatment begins within 30 days, according to the specialist.


As part of the International Breast Cancer Awareness Day, commemorated every October 19, Dr. Claudia Arce Salinas emphasized that “the first thing women need to know is that they are not alone, and the National Cancer Institute is here to help.”



  • 2.3 million breast cancer cases were diagnosed in 2022.
  • 670,000 people died from breast cancer in 2022.
  • Between 0.5% and 1% of cases affect men.
  • 1 in 12 women is diagnosed with breast cancer in high human development index countries.
  • 1 in 71 women in these regions will die from the disease.
  • In low human development index countries, 1 in 27 women is diagnosed with breast cancer.
  • 1 in 48 women in these nations dies from the disease.


  • Approximately 30,000 cases are diagnosed each year.
  • 15% are detected at advanced stages.
  • 7,888 breast cancer deaths were recorded in Mexico in 2022.
  • 99.4% of those deaths were women.
  • 0.6% of deaths were men.
  • INCAN receives 1,500 new cases each year.

Sources: WHO, INEGI, and Ministry of Health

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