Islas Marías: A Unique Experience Full of History, Nature, and Tranquility
In the final two months of 2024, the archipelago will offer more and better services for the benefit of tourists
With the expansion of accommodation options, enhanced air and sea transportation services, a new recreational center, new tourist observation stations, more access points to crystal-clear beaches, among other amenities and infrastructure improvements, Islas Marías aims to establish itself as a prime tourist destination in Mexico.
Over the 47 kilometers of the island, once a notorious high-security prison and now a Biosphere Reserve, visitors can enjoy a stay in harmony with nature while contributing to the island’s recovery. The economic benefits generated from tourism are reinvested in the conservation and improvement of the island, managed by the Navy Secretariat.
Captain Rafael Gómez, general director of the Empresa Turística Integral, assures that this is an integrated project governed by the culture of environmental care.
“What visitors find is a fully sustainable, socially-conscious tourism with a culture of environmental protection. We aim for tourists to become part of the reserve,” he said in an interview with El Heraldo de México.
Gómez announced infrastructure improvements, such as expanding lodging capacity from 350 to 400 rooms, launching a new air route from Tepic to Puerto Balleto, where the tourist center is located, and renovating accommodation to offer a more comfortable experience. He expressed confidence in their readiness to welcome tourists and provide the best service.
“We want to promote the beach club. We’re about to open a gym in the recreational center, a space for yoga and other outdoor activities, and several amenities, including a floating dock for safe snorkeling in a fully protected area,” he added.
The comprehensive tourist center includes diving areas and tours of the high-security prison, along with the best sunset view of Isla Magdalena.”When tourists visit Islas Marías, they realize they can contribute to respecting species, preventing pollution, and becoming part of a well-protected environment. This space has been recovered, and we want to keep it that way,” he emphasized.
Captain Fabiola Canchola, manager of Promotion and Development of the Empresa Turística Islas Marías, highlighted that this is a new tourism concept where people can explore not just a tourist center but also 114 years of culture and history. “It’s a unique experience.”
Canchola noted that, by October 2024, around 3,000 tourists had visited the island, and since December 2022, the total number of visits has reached 5,000.
Islas Marías will host two major sporting events in November.The first, from November 8 to 10, is the cycling event “La Cabra Gravel,” with over 100 participants. The second, on November 23, is a Half Marathon expected to attract 350 attendees.
The Richness of the Islas Marías Biosphere Reserve
- It hosts ecosystems that include coral reefs, mangroves, jungles, and coastlines.
- Endemic species such as the yellow-headed parrot, the raccoon, and the Islas Marías rabbit inhabit the area.
- The site serves as a nesting, refuge, and feeding area for many species of seabirds.
For more information on visiting Islas Marías, please visit
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