Mexicans view CFE and Pemex Reform positively.
The Energy Reform proposes, among other things, turning the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) and Pemex into public companies and prioritizing guaranteeing services for the country.
According to a poll by QM Estudios de Opinión, in partnership with Heraldo Media Group, the public favors the Energy Reform promoted by President Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo’s administration.
Most of those surveyed support strengthening the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) and Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex).
When asked, “Last Wednesday, October 9, the Chamber of Deputies approved the Energy Reform. Before being told, were you aware of this?” Sixty percent of respondents said “no,” 37 percent said “yes,” and 3 percent replied “don’t know/didn’t answer.”
Another question posed was: “The Energy Reform proposes, among other things, to turn the Federal Electricity Commission and Pemex into public companies, thus prioritizing service guarantees for the country and focusing on service rather than productivity. Are you in favor or against the Energy Reform?” 62 percent responded “yes, in favor,” 15 percent said “against,” and 23 percent said “don’t know/didn’t answer.”
What does the Energy Reform entail?
The Energy Reform aims, among other things, to make the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) and Pemex public companies, giving them priority in guaranteeing service to the nation and focusing on service rather than productivity.
Regarding the CFE, reforming Articles 25, 27, and 28 of the Constitution would restore the original intent, which states that electricity is not a commodity but a human right.
Additionally, the reform includes regulations on lithium use, reserving it for state use and preventing monopolies, which will be established in Articles 27 and 28 of the Constitution.
Nota publicada originalmente en El Heraldo de México.
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